
Mette Blomsterberg

Mette Blomsterberg is one of the best confectioners in Denmark.

She has her own café in Glyptoteket.

Glyptoteket is a very recognized museum in Copenhagen, not far from Central station and Tivoli.

Mette is 39 years old. She has two kids - Laura and Maja with her husband Henrik Jæger Blomsterberg.

Mette has released 3 books and are making the 4th right now, its called "the kingsoms cakes". The book is a collection of recipes from whole Denmark.

Here in Kerteminde we have a cherryfestival, and sometimes there is a cherry-cake competition. The winner has sent her recipe to Mette Blomsterberg, and it is going to be in the new book, so Mette is coming to Kerteminde to talk to the winner of the competition.

Mette Blomsterberg has a TV Show, where she makes a lot of cakes. You can see the TV shows and recipes at dr.dk/detsoedeliv.

Not all of the recipes is easy to make, i tried to make 'gentle walnut dream' and it tasted very good, but you have to be awake when you make it, and some of the recipes requires some speciel cooking utensils, but the result will be good :D

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