Today I wanted to share with you guys one of my passions: act.
Here in Cervelló we have a little company. It's named 'La Calaixera' (Chest of drawers in english). We're about 30 kids and teens just in the children's company. I don't know how many people are in the adult company, I think they're 30 too...
We have so much fun in rehearsals (and during the play, of course).
Now we're working on a mystery play based on the books by Agatha Christie.
If you click on the picture it will redirect you to the company site ;)
Marina Delgado.
At our school we have quite a few drama traditions. In 9th and 10th grade students perform in a big musical, and in 6th grade they perform in a tradional play. In the earlier grades they do varies small plays and puppet-plays. So some of the Danish students will be quite into acting too - I'm sure!