L'escola de kerteminde pertany a un moviment d'escoles lliures, les friskole, molt populars a Dinamarca.
L'inspirador d'aquestes escoles va ser el reverend N.F.S. Grundvigs. El fundador de la primera friskole va ser el seu amic Christen Kold Fortaeller. Ho va fer a Dalby, un poblet proxim a Fyns Hoved on hem estat aquest matí.
Ddalby és a la vora de Kerteminde i per aixo és un de les primeres i ja té 150 anys!
A l'assemblea diaria hem pogut sentir cançons compostes pel reverend Grundvigs que encara es canten a les friskoles.
Si haguéssim de destacar algun tret de les friskoles és que es treballa en un ambient d'absoluta familiaritat i que tots estan convençuts que s'ensenya per a la vida.
Kerterminde's school pertained to a movement of free schools, the "friskole", very popular in Denmark. They were inspired by Christen Kold Fortaeller. He did it at Dalby, a small town close to Fyns Hoved on witch we have been this morning.
Dalby is clode to Kerterminde and it is one of the first ones, because it has 150 years.
At the daily assembly we heard some songs composed by the priest Grundvigs that are still sung in the friskoles.
If we had to say one fact about the friskoles, it would be the fact that there is a very close envoirment and everyone is convinced that they learn things for the live.
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